AWS open source newsletter #202
Jul 22, 2024 | 20 minute read
Edition #202 Welcome to the AWS open source newsletter, issue #202. In this edition, I share more new projects (thank you for those of you that have sent them through) which include a project to help you monitor your data pipelines, the open sourced AWS Secrets Manager agent, a really cool new framework for managing multi generative AI agents, a couple of interesting projects to help manage your AWS accounts, a repo that provides CloudFormation snippets, and a few demo applications including one I put together that shows how you can use the Amazon Bedrock Converse API to summarise Hacker News comments.
- oss-newsletter
- aws open source
- PostgreSQL
- OpenSearch
- Cedar
- Kubernetes
- Amazon EKS
- OpenShift
- Flyway
- LiteLLM
- GraphRAG
- Valkey
- Finch
- Dask
- Cilium
- Apache Kafka
- Grafana
- Prometheus
- Trusted Language Extensions for PostgreSQL
- MariaDB
- InfluxDB
- Apache Solr
- Apache Flink
- MLflow
- Notation
- Amazon Linux 2023
- RabbitMQ
AWS open source newsletter #200
Jun 24, 2024 | 20 minute read
Edition #200 Welcome to a milestone edition of this newsletter, number #200!! Wow, it feels like quite an achievement. Before diving into this newsletter, a big thank you for sticking with me. Time has flown by so quickly, and am looking forward to the next 100. As I have done in a few of the previous milestone issues, I wanted to share a few interesting stats from sharing open source projects with you over the past few years.
AWS open source newsletter #191
Mar 4, 2024 | 15 minute read
Edition #191 Welcome to issue #191 of the AWS open source newsletter, the newsletter where we try and provide you the best open source on AWS content. As always, this week we start with a round up of some freshly baked new projects for you to practice your four freedoms. This week we have projects that cover AWS Nitro Enclaves, open source mapping libraries, how to grab secrets into your application configuration files, database performance benchmarking and analysis, improving the logging your applications generate, and a number of very handy tools to help you manage security data from the command line.
AWS open source newsletter #183
Jan 8, 2024 | 26 minute read
January 8th, 2024 - Instalment #183 Happy new year and welcome to the first edition of the AWS open source newsletter of 2024, number #183. The big news for 2024 is the move from to as the “home” for the AWS open source newsletter, although it will still be posted on as well. Let me know what you think, has some top notch content that many readers might not be aware of.
- oss-newsletter
- aws open source
- Cedar
- Projen
- Prometheus
- Grafana
- Kubernetes
- Amazon EKS
- Mage
- OpenSearch
- eBPF
- Istio
- Kubecost
- PostgreSQL
- MariaDB
- ActiveMQ
- Apache Airflow
- Apache Spark
- Ray
- AWS Amplify
- Spring Boot
- Amazon EMR
- AWS Neuron
- Apache Cassandra
- OpenTelemetry
- Amazon Linux
- AWS ParallelCluster
- RabbitMQ
AWS open source newsletter #182
Dec 11, 2023 | 24 minute read
December 11th, 2023 - Instalment #182 Welcome to #182 of the AWS open source newsletter, the place for all your AWS and open source needs. This is a special re:Invent packed edition of this newsletter, attempting to catch up and cover all the main talking points, sessions, and announcements. Whilst there is a lot of content to go through, I know that many of you will still be wanting to know about new projects you can try out, and the good news is that we have plenty.
- oss-newsletter
- aws open source
- Redis
- Go
- MLFlow
- PostgreSQL
- MariaDB
- dbt
- OpenRewrite
- Amazon Corretto
- Amazon EMR
- lakeFS
- Apache Kafka
- Memecached
- Grafana
- GraphQL
- Code-OSS
- Rust
- Kotlin
- FreeRTOS
- Prometheus
- Kubernetes
- Amazon EKS
- OpenZFS
- OpenSearch
- AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry
- Powertools for Lambda
- Jupyter
- cdk8s
AWS open source newsletter #179
Nov 13, 2023 | 18 minute read
November 13th, 2023 - Instalment #179 Welcome to #179 of the AWS open source newsletter, the place for all your AWS and open source needs. This weeks new projects include an open source tool that provides similar capabilities to AWS Control Tower, a tool for enrolling your Mac based EC2 instances into mobile device management (MDM) solution, a very neat tool to help you compare costs of running your CodePipeline jobs, as well as sample code that shows you how you can use Karpenter to optimise IP address use, examples of using Test Containers with AWS CDK, generative AI technologies such as LangChain, and more.
AWS open source newsletter #175
Oct 16, 2023 | 25 minute read
October 16th, 2023 - Instalment #175 Welcome to #175 of the AWS open source newsletter, back after recharging in the wonderful countyside of Yorkshire. I am publishing this weeks newsletter from Raleigh, North Carolina. All Things Open is happening this week, and you will catch me at the AWS booth where I will be showing off some cool open source stuff (Cedar, Apache Airflow, and a few others), and I also have a talk on Tuesday.
- oss-newsletter
- aws open source
- Redis
- MariaDB
- and PostgreSQL
- Cloud Native Operational Excellence
- Crossplane
- Apache Airflow
- Apache Flink
- Amazon EMR
- Powertools for AWS Lambda
- Kubernetes
- Amazon EKS
- Prometheus
- Grafana
- AWS Distributed OpenTelemetry(ADOT)
- Karpenter
- CoreDNS
- etcd
- Istio
- Spring Boot
- Apache Kafka
- Amazon Corretto
- Amazon Linux
- Bottlerocket
- cdk8s
- AWS Amplify
- Stable Diffusion
- NextJS
AWS open source newsletter #172
Sep 4, 2023 | 21 minute read
September 4th, 2023 - Instalment #172 Welcome to #172 of the AWS open source newsletter, your reliable source for all open source on AWS goodness. What do we have for you this week? Well, more new projects to check out, and plenty of fresh content on the open source projects you all love. We have tools to help you export your DynamoDB tables as csv files, a tool that goes beyond tracking cost and actually shuts down resources to help you manage your AWS budget, a cool dashboard to help you stay on top of your EC2 configurations, a couple of useful utilities to simplify working with files on Amazon S3, and then a sample Cedar project that helps you implement a Lambda authoriser.
AWS open source newsletter #171
Aug 29, 2023 | 18 minute read
August 29th, 2023 - Instalment #171 Welcome to #171 of the AWS open source newsletter, the newsletter created for developers passionate about open source. Thanks to the wonderful August bank holiday here in the UK, we are publishing a day later than usual. If you have not read this newsletter before, we feature new projects, content from across the open source and AWS community, and share events and videos that you should check out.
AWS open source newsletter #168
Aug 7, 2023 | 24 minute read
August 7th, 2023 - Instalment #168 Welcome to #168 of the AWS open source newsletter, the only newsletter that features the freshest open source and AWS content* New projects for you to feast on in this issue include the obligatory projects that look at how Generative AI can help developers be more productive, in this case by making documentation more relevant and easier to find and to help with code reviews, a nice tool to help you query your AWS Identity Access Management (IAM) policies, and a security focused tool to help you search for potentially incorrect configured S3 buckets.
AWS open source newsletter #162
Jun 26, 2023 | 18 minute read
June 26th, 2023 - Instalment #162 Welcome to #162 of the AWS open source newsletter. As always, we search high and low for the best and latest open source content, and I think you will love what we have lined up this week. If you are looking for new projects to try out, then this weeks projects include a very handy tool for Amazon EKS admins, a new experimental project that looks to use ChatGPT to manage your AWS resources, a workshop on Generative AI on AWS, a new tool that helps simplify how you can connect to RDS resources, a PHP library to help you verify your JWT tokens, and a great example application of how you can use Cedar and Amazon Verified Permissions.
AWS open source newsletter #150
Mar 27, 2023 | 12 minute read
March 27th, 2023 - Instalment #150 Welcome Hello and welcome to a milestone edition of the AWS open source newsletter, #150. Over two hundred thousand words later, thousands of contributors, hundreds of new open source projects, I hope this newsletter brings as much joy for readers as it does for me to put this together. Thank you all for your amazing support so far. What do we have in store for you this week?
AWS open source newsletter #148
Mar 12, 2023 | 17 minute read
March 13th, 2023 - Instalment #148 Welcome Hello and a warm welcome to edition #148 of the AWS open source newsletter, the only newsletter on the planet that serves you up a weekly dose of the freshest, latest open source projects on AWS. This week we have projects such as “iam-ape” a tool to help you grapple with your IAM policies, “amazon-emr-cli” a nice command line tool to package and deploy your Spark jobs on Amazon EMR, “duckdb-athena-extension” that helps you import data from Amazon Athena into DuckDB, “terraform-aws-email-files-dropped-in-s3” a helpful tool to easily email you attachments automatically, “cloud-queue-for-quantum-devices” a tool to help Quantum researchers across the world, “aws-private-ca-matter-infrastructure” a sample reference architecture for setting up a secure, private certificate authority, “aws-sam-cli-java-examples” will help you deploy your Java apps via AWS SAM, “mpartman” a PostgreSQL partition manager, “aws-do-pcluster” simplifying how to run AWS ParallelCluster, “staticwebsite-cli” a very nice too to help you easily deploy static web sites, and more!
AWS open source newsletter #147
Mar 6, 2023 | 14 minute read
March 6th, 2023 - Instalment #147 Welcome Welcome to edition #147 of the AWS open source newsletter, featured in the latest episode of Build on Open Source. This week we have new projects such as “metahub” and “savings-estimator” that we looked at in closer detail on the Build on Open Source livestream, “aws-iot-core-credential-provider-session-helper” a Python library to help simplify working with AWS IoT, “traffic-inspection-architectures-aws-cloud-wan” code that provides examples of different network architectures and how to do traffic inspection, “neptune-export” a tool to help you export your data in Amazon Neptune, “aws-organizations-tool” a command line tool to help you configure AWS Organisations, “sagemaker-external-repo-access” a nice reference architecture for Amazon Sagemaker, “aws-cdk-cfn-hook” a Python CDK app that will get you up and running quickly working with Cloudformation template hooks, and more!
- oss-newsletter
- aws open source
- Kubernetes
- OpenSearch
- Ubuntu
- Vault
- FreeRTOS
- MariaDB
- PostgreSQL
- AWS Lambda Powertools
- Debezium
- Apache Kafka
- Kafka Connect
- Apache Spark
- Apache Hudi
- DeltaStreamer
- Apicurio Registry
- Apache Iceberg
- FFMpeg
- Prometheus
- Babelfish for Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL
- Redis
- Mastadon
- Amazon EMR
AWS open source newsletter #146
Feb 27, 2023 | 17 minute read
Feb 27th, 2023 - Instalment #146 Welcome to edition #146 of the AWS open source newsletter. This week we have another great selection of brand new, shiny open source projects for you to practice your four freedoms on. Some of the projects this week include “aws-lambda-web-adapter” that will help you build portable Lambda functions, “aws-marketplace-cli” if you want to escape the GUI when working with AWS Marketplace, this one is for you, ““otel-config-validator” helps you sanity check your configuration files, “aws-serverless-openai-chatbot-demo” build a personal assistance powered by ChatGPT, “drone-video-analysis” if you have wanted to use AI services to process your drone video footage, check this project out, “mask-words-in-image” a nice command line tool to quick mask data based on your needs, and many more cool projects.
AWS open source newsletter #143
Jan 30, 2023 | 14 minute read
January 30th, 2023 - Instalment #143 Welcome to edition #143 of the AWS open source newsletter, and another week of great new open source projects for you to try out. This week we feature projects including “aws-cdk-in-electron”, a project that lets you put AWS CDK in a graphical user interface, “lightsail-k8s-installer” that helps you deploy Kubernetes into Amazon Lightsail, “porting-advisor-for-graviton” a great project to help you migrate to Arm based AWS Graviton instance types, “aws-ebook-downloader” a browser tool to help you easily download pdf’s on AWS topics, “lake-formation-permissions-sync” a useful tool to help you keep on top of your Lake Formation setups, and many more.
- oss-newsletter
- aws open source
- PostgreSQL
- MariaDB
- OpenSearch
- RabbitMQ
- Apache Flink
- Apache Velocity Template Language
- AWS ParallelCluster
- Kubernetes
- EKS Anywhere
- Apache Kafka
- AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry
- Prometheus
- OpenShift
- Terraform
- OpenJDK
- DataHub
- Pulumi
- Serverless Framework
- Apache Iceberg
AWS open source newsletter #141
Jan 15, 2023 | 13 minute read
January 16th, 2023 - Instalment #141 Welcome Welcome to the AWS open source newsletter of 2023, edition #141. This week we have more new projects for you to practice your four freedoms, including “distributed-compute-on-aws-with-cross-regional-dask”, a solution to simplify distributed compute using Dask, “amazon-emr-serverless-image-cli” a tool to verify your Amazon EMR custom container images, “serverless-run-watch” a tool to help accelerate your local development if you are using the Serverless Framework, “aws-sso-auto-expand-accounts” a quick browser extension for those using AWS SSO, “basti” a cool Bastion Host alternative, “klotho” generate cloud native code from your code, “amazon-route53-hosted-zone-sync” a nice solution for hybrid DNS use cases, and many more.
AWS open source newsletter #140
Jan 9, 2023 | 19 minute read
January 9th, 2023 - Instalment #140 Welcome Happy New Year and welcome to the first AWS open source newsletter of 2023, edition #140. If you have not already checked it out, I put together a short retrospective summary of 2022 in the post, AWS open source newsletter - 2022 in review. There are some interesting facts and figures in there. I am also taking time to collect feedback from readers to help shape where this newsletter goes in 2023.
- oss-newsletter
- aws open source
- PostgreSQL
- Next.js
- AWS SDK for Java
- AWS ParallelCluster
- Docker
- MariaDB
- Amazon EKS
- Kubernetes
- ArgoCD
- AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry
- Prometheus
- Crossplane
- Log4Shell
- .NET
- Apache Spark
- Apache Kafka
- Apache Flink
- Apache Pinot
- Apache Superset
- Apache NiFi
- Delta Lake
- OpenShift
- Redis
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
- Ubuntu Pro
- AWS Copilot
- RabbitMQ
- Apache Airflow
- Rust
- Terraform
- Amazon EMR
- Apache ShardingSphere-Proxy
AWS open source news and updates #137
Nov 25, 2022 | 30 minute read
November 25th, 2022 - Instalment #137 Welcome Welcome to the AWS open source newsletter, edition #137. As it is re:Invent next week, I will be publishing the newsletter early as I am heading out on Monday. I will be in Las Vegas talking with open source Builders, hanging out on the Open Source Kiosk in the AWS Village, and doing some talks. If you are coming, I would love to meet some of you, so get in touch.
- oss-newsletter
- aws open source
- re:Invent
- GraphQL
- Grafana
- Prometheus
- AWS Toolkits for JetBrains
- AWS Toolkits for VS Code
- AWS Amplify
- NodeJS
- MariaDB
- PostgreSQL
- Flutter
- React
- Apache Iceberg
- Apache Airflow
- Apache Flink
- Apache ShardingSphere
- AutoGluon
- AWS ParallelCluster
- Kubeflow
- Finch
- Amazon EMR
- Trino
- Apache Hudi
- O3DE
- Apache Kafka
- OpenSearch
- MLFlow
AWS open source news and updates #133
Oct 28, 2022 | 18 minute read
October 28th, 2022 - Instalment #133 Welcome Welcome to the AWS open source newsletter, edition #133. This week has been all about KubeCon, and there were some important announcements from AWS. If you missed these, I have tried to capture the important ones here, but I want to start off with probably my favourite which was the announcement during Nate Taber keynote on some of the investments we are providing to CNCF and OpenSSF.
AWS open source news and updates #130
Oct 10, 2022 | 17 minute read
October 10th, 2022 - Instalment #130 Welcome Welcome to the AWS open source newsletter, edition #130. This newsletter was featured in the Build on Open Source episode four, which you can check out here if you missed it. New projects for you to practice your open source four freedoms this week include “grucloud” a new infrastructure as code tool with some nice features, “stepfunctions-sdk-autocomplete” a VSCode plugin for all you AWS Step Functions fans, “AWS_Billing_Overage_Shutdown” a very new repo that has some code to help you automate shutting down resources on alerts, “aws-secrets-manager-github-action” if you are using GitHub Actions, this one is for you, “meta-aws”, tools and recipes for those using and building with Yocto, “data-on-eks” a number of sample solutions to configure self managed open source data analytics tools, “cql-replicator” a tool to help you migrate from self managed Apache Cassandra to Amazon Keyspaces, “ec2-imagebuilder-ami-lifecycle” provides some new capabilities for those building AMIs, and many more.
AWS open source news and updates #128
Sep 23, 2022 | 15 minute read
September 23rd, 2022 - Instalment #128 Welcome Welcome to the AWS open source newsletter, edition #128. I hope some of you were able to catch Derek and myself sharing a peek at this edition, and enjoyed our special guest, Gethin Webster as he walked us through the open source Cloudscape project. If you want to catch up on that event, check out the video here. This weeks opens new open source projects include “Guardian”, a command line tool that produces nice reports on your AWS environments, “cdk-scheduler”, a new construct that helps you schedule your CDK deployments, “terraform-iam-policy-validator” a script that helps you validate your Terraform scripts, “aws-cdk-golden-ami-pipeline” an example of how to build an automated pipeline to build Amazon Machine Images (AMI’s), and many more.
AWS open source news and updates #122
Jul 29, 2022 | 14 minute read
July 29th, 2022 - Instalment #122 Welcome Welcome back to my regular readers and hello to new readers, I hope you will enjoy and come back again to the AWS open source newsletter episode #122. This week we have another great collection of community and AWS related open source tools, demos and samples for you to practice your open source four freedoms. “rds_auto_encrypt” helps you encrypt your Amazon RDS databases, “middy-profiler” is an interesting looking tool to help you understand performance characteristics of your AWS Lambda functions, “simpleiot” is a very nice looking IoT framework to help simplify how you can onboard devices into AWS IoT, “aws-secrets-manager-hybrid-secret-replication-from-hashicorp-vault” (bit of a mouthful to say that one) helps you synchronise your secrets across different secret providers, “automated-forensic-orchestrator-for-amazon-ec2” is a very nice reference solution for automating some of your operational security activities, and we have several other projects for you to dive deep into.
AWS open source news and updates #120
Jul 15, 2022 | 16 minute read
July 15th, 2022 - Instalment #120 Welcome to regular and new readers alike, to the AWS open source newsletter episode #120. The observant will have noticed that it has been two weeks since the last newsletter. We all need some time off, and I spent most of the time cycling around the hills of a new cycle route called King Alfreds Way - highly recommended. There has been some great new projects created over the past couple of weeks, and of course I have you covered and have shared them below.
AWS open source news and updates #115
Jun 3, 2022 | 17 minute read
June 3rd, 2022 - Instalment #115 Welcome to regular and new readers alike, to the AWS open source newsletter episode #115. This week we have another great selection of brand new open source projects for you to explore, including “firec” a Rust client library for interacting with Firecracker, “sfn-cli” a tool that helps you quickly build StepFunctions definitions, “ssm-cloner” a tool to help you replicate across AWS regions your AWS System Manager documents, “amazon-lambda-compute-tuning” an AWS Lambda function benchmarking tool, “aws-iam-root-user-activity-monitor” a sample project to help you keep track of your root user, “hpc-cost-simulator” a tool to help estimate costs running your HPC workloads on AWS, and many more.
AWS open source news and updates #108
Apr 11, 2022 | 16 minute read
April 11th, 2022 - Instalment #108 Newsletter #108. A little later the usual as it was a busy week last week, and I was lucky enough to speak at some great events. It certainly seems that things are returning to normality now on the tech events scene, and it was great to meet so many customers and builders who were enthusiastic champions of open source. The AWS Summit season is upon us, with the Brussels summit just gone and Paris Summit happening this week.
AWS open source news and updates #101
Feb 21, 2022 | 12 minute read
Feb 21st, 2022 - Instalment #101 Newsletter #101. There is nothing basic and fundamental about edition 101 of the AWS open source newsletter, with another great round up of new open source projects including eks-creation-engine from the folks at Lightspin helping you all to stay safer with this handy tool you should check out, idp-scim-sync to help users of AWS SSO who want to synchronise with their Google Workspace Directory, typecart an analysis tool for proof evolution and many other great projects and sample code.
AWS open source news and updates #99
Feb 7, 2022 | 12 minute read
Feb 7th, 2022 - Instalment #99 Newsletter #99. While Nena gave you 99 red balloons, I give you the latest version of the AWS open source news letter. This week we feature more great new open source projects including a project to help you with drift detection in your CloudFormation stacks, new Terraform modules, an open-source prometheus exporter, some AWS CDK resources and sample projects and more. This weeks AWS and Community posts cover PostgreSQL, Apache Airflow, AWS CDK, Redis, GraphQL, Apollo GraphQL, Kubernetes, AWS EKS and more.