Using Amazon CodeWhisperer as my scripting sidekick
Sep 4, 2023 | 5 minute read
How are you using these new AI coding assistants like Amazon CodeWhisperer? I want to share a quick story about how I am finding some success with using these tools, which I hope will encourage you to experiment for yourselves. As I work on new projects, demos, blog posts, I often need to do supporting activities such as creating or cleaning up AWS environments, which I sometimes do by hand but mostly do via the AWS CLI or via Python scripts and boto3.
AWS open source newsletter #154
Apr 24, 2023 | 22 minute read
April 24th, 2023 - Instalment #154 Welcome Hello and welcome to the AWS open source newsletter, #154, the newsletter that just keeps on giving….in this case, keeps giving you brand new open source projects to practice your four freedoms on. We have another great selection of projects for you as always, starting off with “cfn-teleport” an essential cli tool for Cloudformation users, “aither” an interesting collaborative development tool using virtualised desktops on containers, “tabular-column-semantic-search” a tool to help you find similar types of data in your data lakes, “resource-lister” and “komiser” tools that help you manage your AWS resources, “resource-utilization” helps you track your AWS resource utilisation, “iot-network-traffic-control-and-load-testing-simulator” an interesting load and chaos testing example, and more!
- oss-newsletter
- aws open source
- Apache Oozie
- Apache Airflow
- Deep Java Library
- mwaa-local-runner
- Trusted Language Extensions for PostgreSQL
- Supabase
- PostgreSQL
- Jupyter
- Grafana
- Opus
- Papermill
- Apache Spark
- HiveQL
- Amazon EKS
- Kubernetes
- Amazon EMR
- RStudio
- USBGuard
- Amazon Corretto
- AWS Amplify
- Apache Hive Metastore
- gMSA
- Python
- OpenSearch
- AWS Copilot
- Marten
- Flutter