Babelfish for Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL
AWS open source newsletter #147
Mar 6, 2023 | 14 minute read
March 6th, 2023 - Instalment #147 Welcome Welcome to edition #147 of the AWS open source newsletter, featured in the latest episode of Build on Open Source. This week we have new projects such as “metahub” and “savings-estimator” that we looked at in closer detail on the Build on Open Source livestream, “aws-iot-core-credential-provider-session-helper” a Python library to help simplify working with AWS IoT, “traffic-inspection-architectures-aws-cloud-wan” code that provides examples of different network architectures and how to do traffic inspection, “neptune-export” a tool to help you export your data in Amazon Neptune, “aws-organizations-tool” a command line tool to help you configure AWS Organisations, “sagemaker-external-repo-access” a nice reference architecture for Amazon Sagemaker, “aws-cdk-cfn-hook” a Python CDK app that will get you up and running quickly working with Cloudformation template hooks, and more!
- oss-newsletter
- aws open source
- Kubernetes
- OpenSearch
- Ubuntu
- Vault
- FreeRTOS
- MariaDB
- PostgreSQL
- AWS Lambda Powertools
- Debezium
- Apache Kafka
- Kafka Connect
- Apache Spark
- Apache Hudi
- DeltaStreamer
- Apicurio Registry
- Apache Iceberg
- FFMpeg
- Prometheus
- Babelfish for Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL
- Redis
- Mastadon
- Amazon EMR