AWS open source newsletter #200
Jun 24, 2024 | 20 minute read
Edition #200 Welcome to a milestone edition of this newsletter, number #200!! Wow, it feels like quite an achievement. Before diving into this newsletter, a big thank you for sticking with me. Time has flown by so quickly, and am looking forward to the next 100. As I have done in a few of the previous milestone issues, I wanted to share a few interesting stats from sharing open source projects with you over the past few years.
AWS open source news and updates #129
Sep 30, 2022 | 22 minute read
September 30th, 2022 - Instalment #129 Welcome Welcome to the AWS open source newsletter, edition #129. We have loads of great new projects this week, with plenty of variety to keep you all interested. We have “aws-ecr-cleaner”, a great tool to help you manage your container images, “dotnet-lambda-sql-server-proxy” that shows you how you can use RDS Proxy with SQL Server and why, “minecraft-server-dashboard” perfect for those running their own minecraft servers, “YATAS” and “aws-security-survival-kit” for those working on security and governance, “aws-lambda-handler-cookbook” useful recipes to get you going, “autonomous-driving-data-framework” for folks working in the automotive space, and many more - make sure you check all the projects out.
- oss-newsletter
- aws open source
- Apache TinkerPop
- Gremlin
- Apache Hudi
- Apache Iceberg
- Delta Lake
- Apache Cassandra
- GraphQL
- Hive
- Apache Spark
- Apache Kafka Streams
- Apache Flink
- Apache Pinot
- Apache Superset
- Apache Airflow
- Keycloak
- Kubeapps
- Babelfish for PostgreSQL
- Linux
- Ubuntu
- Bottlerocket