AWS open source newsletter #187
Feb 4, 2024 | 15 minute read
Edition #187 Welcome to issue #187 of the AWS open source newsletter, the newsletter where we try and provide you the best open source on AWS content. As always, this week we start with a round up of some freshly baked new projects for you to practice your four freedoms. This week we have new projects that help you optimise working with EBS volumes on EC2, a tool to help you document your architectures, a large language model benchmarking tool, a tool to help you optimise your S3 storage files, a data validation framework, and a really nice Java workshop.
AWS open source news and updates #115
Jun 3, 2022 | 17 minute read
June 3rd, 2022 - Instalment #115 Welcome to regular and new readers alike, to the AWS open source newsletter episode #115. This week we have another great selection of brand new open source projects for you to explore, including “firec” a Rust client library for interacting with Firecracker, “sfn-cli” a tool that helps you quickly build StepFunctions definitions, “ssm-cloner” a tool to help you replicate across AWS regions your AWS System Manager documents, “amazon-lambda-compute-tuning” an AWS Lambda function benchmarking tool, “aws-iam-root-user-activity-monitor” a sample project to help you keep track of your root user, “hpc-cost-simulator” a tool to help estimate costs running your HPC workloads on AWS, and many more.