AWS open source newsletter #141
Jan 15, 2023 | 13 minute read
January 16th, 2023 - Instalment #141 Welcome Welcome to the AWS open source newsletter of 2023, edition #141. This week we have more new projects for you to practice your four freedoms, including “distributed-compute-on-aws-with-cross-regional-dask”, a solution to simplify distributed compute using Dask, “amazon-emr-serverless-image-cli” a tool to verify your Amazon EMR custom container images, “serverless-run-watch” a tool to help accelerate your local development if you are using the Serverless Framework, “aws-sso-auto-expand-accounts” a quick browser extension for those using AWS SSO, “basti” a cool Bastion Host alternative, “klotho” generate cloud native code from your code, “amazon-route53-hosted-zone-sync” a nice solution for hybrid DNS use cases, and many more.