AWS open source news and updates #126
Sep 9, 2022 | 15 minute read
September 9th, 2022 - Instalment #126 Welcome Welcome to the AWS open source newsletter, edition #126. Exciting news this week includes the second episode of the Build on AWS open source show, and the release of a new AWS open source project, event-ruler (more in a bit). As always, this weeks newsletter includes more great new open source projects from AWS and the AWS Community. We have “aws-integration-for-apache-guacamole” that provides a guide of how you can deploy this open source project, “xcodeinstall” a tool to help you heedlessly install Xcode, “soci-snapshotter” a very cool project for Container lovers, “credentials-fetcher” a new Linux demon for those wanting to integrate with Windows environments, “imds-credential-server” a very nice tool to help you vend AWS credentials, “automated-data-analytics-on-aws” a new data tool that will help you accelerate time to insights, and “event-ruler” a very cool new project allowing you to match Rules to Events, and many other projects for you to check out.
AWS open source news and updates #105
Mar 20, 2022 | 15 minute read
March 21st, 2022 - Instalment #105 Newsletter #105. Welcome to edition #105 of the AWS open source news and updates, where we bring you the latest open source projects, posts, events, and much more. This weeks new projects include the latest work in progress from AWS Hero Ian Mckay, “iamfast” is an AWS IAM policy generation tool that is in early stages but promises to be very useful indeed. “iasql-engine” is a tool that models cloud infrastructure as data, “ssm-patch-portal” provides a nice gui front end to simplify patching with AWS System Manager, a new crowdsource guide that contains learning resources for AWS, a business intelligence platform built using open source technologies from the NHS, and many more.