EKS Blueprints
AWS open source news and updates #132
Oct 21, 2022 | 20 minute read
October 21st, 2022 - Instalment #132 Welcome Welcome to the AWS open source newsletter, edition #132. This newsletter was covered in last Friday’s Build on Open Source, so if you missed it, don’t worry as you can view episode five of Build on Open Source. In this episode special guest Abhishek Gupta walked us through how to use cdk8s using Golang, building a Wordpress site in minutes. New projects this week include “duvet” a tool to help honour RFC in code, “aws-lambda-explorer” a gui tool to explore your AWS Lambda functions, “k3s-aws-terraform-cluster” deploy k3s on AWS via Terraform, “snow-transfer-tool” a tool to help you transfer data via Snowball devices, “amazon-emr-vscode-toolkit” a new VSCode plugin for Amazon EMR users, “aws-cdk-for-discourse” a quick way to deploy the open source discourse tool, “image-optimization” a reference example of how to do image optimising, and “gtfs-serverless-ticketing-sample” a sample application using public transport data.