AWS open source newsletter #142
Jan 23, 2023 | 14 minute read
January 23rd, 2023 - Instalment #142 Welcome Welcome to edition #142 of the AWS open source newsletter. We have another great round up of new projects for you to get stuck into. Here are just a taste of some of the projects, kicking off with “sls-mentor” a new tool to help you assess your serverless applications, “subnet-watcher”, a tool to help you monitor your IP addresses, “aws-cdk-web-administered-apps” a very nice reference solution for applications that have a user and admin component, “serverless-newsletter-app” if you are looking for a newsletter solution and want to host your own, look here first, “aws-iot-with-privatelink” shows you how you use private networks for your IoT traffic, “emr-spark-benchmark” benchmarking tool for assessing your Amazon EMR environments, and “update-aws-ip-ranges” keep automatically updated on Amazon’s IP address ranges.